carz4pets - dedicated to supporting pet shelters, providing foster care to homeless animals in Queens, NY is a publicly funded 501c (3) not-for-profit corporation that is dedicated to supporting rescues, shelters and private individuals in all aspects of care for the well being of our beloved fur babies or to the many of unwanted abused or neglected animals. With our many years of expertise in the towing industry and charitable services, we have combined the two. This allows us to convert vehicle donations into a tangible income that allows us to:

  1. Donate food to shelters, rescues or private individuals
  2. Fund fostering services
  3. Emergency Vet care
  4. Support rescues and shelters in day to day operations.

However, this can only be achieved through your generous donations of your old, used or unwanted vehicles. Please donate to support us in our noble cause.

carz4pets - dedicated to supporting pet shelters
carz4pets - dedicated to supporting pet shelters
carz4pets - dedicated to supporting pet shelters

We Will Pick Your Vehicle Right Away

Donate Your Old Vehice To Our Charity For Animals In Queens, NY